Ron Paul Rally at Independence Mall
Yesterday was another first for me- I went to a political rally. Actually its not correct to call it that since Ron Paul is really not political rather he is a presidential candidate for the people. I met some folks from the local meetup group, passed out some slim jims to folks for a few hours before the rally. At least 75% of the folks I approached were receptive to hearing about him including meter collectors and the gal driving the horse carriage.
I got to meet Ron and shake his hand when his "entourage" rolled up to the hotel where he was meeting with some supporters prior to the rally. It consisted of 3 vehicles and about 5 people- don't you wish every elected representative rolled like that!
He had an interview with CNN right after which can be seen ironically not on but on youtube here.
I encourage folks to learn about what he stands for and spread the message so we can restore liberty and stop our government from building a worldwide empire. Did we not learn anything from the Romans??
Great to get involved in the process.
From an articale in ""
"We polled his suburban Houston district and found that voters resist his contrarian and stark libertarian perspective that even sells out local interests. When told that “Ron Paul consistently opposes taxpayer funding for NASA and wants to eliminate the agency,” 61 percent of Republican primary voters said this information would make them less likely to vote for Paul’s reelection."
Here's another nice Ron Paul on space quote:
"We must recognize the government led space program is dead and the corpse must be buried as soon as possible. Any defense functions should be put under the military, and the rest of NASA should be sold to private operators." (
This was written in 1988, but his position has not changed. Senator Paul sees NASA as nothing but a massive gov't expense.
Since NASA is my livelihood there is no way I could vote for this man.
I'm sure an enterprising and intelligent astronaut could make the same, if not better living working for a private enterprise exploring space and you would probably encounter less bureaucracy in your job which I would think would make it more enjoyable.
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